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Yepp,That's me at a computerparty called Elemental

The Vork's Page

Hi and welcome to my "about" part...
very pleased that you want 2 know everything about me. ;)
Well,here goes:

I am a boy (well boy or man,i don't know, but I am mail. =:)- ), Who listens to the name Marco Gombert ,is 19 years of age and lives in Holland (Europe).
Currently I'm still learning. I'm now in the final year (YES!!!) in a total of four years of being bugged by teachers...
I don't know the name of this training course in english, but I want to
become some sort of computer-know-it-all. (Hope y'all still with me...;() )
Well,enough about school, now something about my family and stuff.
My "domi cili" (not : Dont be silly :)) is Vroomshoop - Holland. Here i live with my mom and dad, my two little sisters... (they're 15 and 12,and still available... anyone want their photo's,name and adress??? mail me!! haha)
and last but not least, our dog Wanda, A beautifull black bouvier.
I'm doing computers since I was 12 years of age... It all started out with an old Philips Nms9100 XT 4 Mhz...
Woh...what a superthingy that wuz... I coded on it in basic for 2.5 years. Then, a friend of mine told me to go get Pascal...pascal,who is that??? Well,The guy Xplained it was a programming language with a compiler included, A !BIG! advantage over basic
So I started coding in Tp5,and it was cool,but still rather sloooooooow on my XT with 4 Mhz.. Then my mummy and daddy'oh bought a 486 DLC 40 Mhz, (which is still in our house, now running shitty Win95.)
And so I learned and learned and... (well you get the point).Nowadays i'm the proud owner of an Intel Pentium and I am coding in Borland Pascal (Still, because it's easy), in C++, and Watcom C. This 32Bit compiler really rulz the whole scene man, only 2 bad that U can't use as much inline assembly as U'd like, but fortunately there are things like include files and stuff...

Well, that's about all I want U 2 know about me (Read: There ain't more to tell about me :)) therefore, I shall stop wasting the space I have here at Fortunecity (ThanX!) and use the rest of the space to enlighten you about my own programming skills and give you tutorials from all over the world. They worked fine for me, so so will they for you.

Have Phun and amaze the world..

The Vork / Wizards From The East.